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While having good cricketing knowledge can offer more advantages to a user, it is not mandatory to play FC. We are also providing detailed statistics, and player profiles.

Once the results of the league have been finalized, the winners will be notified about the results and they will receive their winnings according to their league rankings.

Yes, This is done in order to promote better decision making and to prevent excessive team changes. The exact limit on the number of changes that can be made may vary.

Yes, our FC website offers live scores as well as other updates of ongoing matches. This allows the user to stay updated with real-time statistics, as well as player performances.

Questions on contests

Get detailed information about different contests before you enter one

The Mega Contest is a large-scale fantasy competition. It typically features various participants. Entry into this contest may require a fee and often provides the biggest winnings.

The Hot Contest is a popular, fast-filling fantasy contest, limited to a smaller number of participants for quick action. These contests can fill up quickly due to their popularity.

Mini Leagues are smaller fantasy contests that allow for a closer competition among a group of friends or a limited public. These leagues often have a smaller number of entries.

A Head to Head Contest is a one-on-one fantasy cricket matchup where two players compete against each other. The participant whose fantasy team scores more points wins the contest.

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